Sunday, June 12, 2005

Something That Struck Me

Well, in all honesty it was more like the second time something of this nature has happened, but these two instances affected me more directly. And it gave me the weirdest sensation...

So on Saturday I was working at KFC and this guy comes in and says, "This is the first time I see a white person working here." And I was kind of shocked to hear something like that from just your regular neighbourhood in Canada. The oddest feeling came over me, like some psycho-somatic wave of... something, I don't know, but it so took control over me that I actually (accidentally) spilled some of the water that he had asked for... o.O Anyway, I couldn't think of anything to say except, "I'm Hispanic." I don't know if he took it as the defiance that I had intended it to be, but he replied with an "Oh, really?" and that was that. The sensation stayed with me for a little while longer, though... I don't know, maybe he just meant it as a harmless observation, only God knows, but it was such a startling comment...

Conversely, the second instance gave me the experience of the other receiving end (does that make sense to anyone else?) while I was working at this other KFC (same day, Saturday). This lady calls on the phone and asks about chicken and it turns out that she wants to order something for delivery, so I tell her that this KFC doesn't deliver but I can give her the number for one that does. I proceeded to give her the phone number and at some point (I don't remember too clearly, since the dumb phone was set at a really soft volume... in a freakin' mall... O.o) she said something like "Can I speak with someone who speaks English?" And I got that same weird sensation again, and again my mind went blank for a few seconds and all I could do was repeat, as calmly as I could, that we were sorry we did not deliver but I could give her the number of a KFC that did and proceeded once more to pass the number along. And she mockingly (or at least so it sounded to me) repeated "three-three?" Yeah, I have a faint accent that becomes much more obvious when dealing with "thr-" combinations. So what? Does this lady not live in the Lower Mainland where nearly everyone has some kind of accent? And I swear, I SWEAR, I heard a bit of an accent on her, too...

Anyway, I don't know. I just... This was something new for me, and that feeling (not a feeling feeling, but like some current running through you... maybe adrenaline...?) especially. I'd read about things like this happening to people, I'd seen it in movies, TV, whatever, but I'd never experienced it at such close proximity...

Actually, now that I think about it in a more detached way, I might have gotten that current-like sensation before, although in a much less startling way, upon hearing passing affronts to the Church or Catholic beliefs, but I'm not really sure. It could be hindsight. In any case, Saturday's little shocker was so sudden and in a category all its own, for me anyway...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Para los hispano-hablantes...

Acabo de descubrir que en español los "blogs" se llaman bitácoras... ¿Alguien sabe por que? Yo soy un poco dunda cuando se trata de mi lengua materna ya que se me ha olvidado tanto, asi que no tengo ni unita idea... ¿Que tiene que ver "bitácora" con el hecho de escribir en la Red con este formato? (Les dije que soy bien tontita...)

Friday, June 10, 2005

St. Blog's

Well, I joined St. Blog's Parish (even though I only just recently found out about it, I don't know why it didn't occur to me that such a thing would exist)... I hope the bloggers are actually faithful to the Magisterium, as they claim they are, because I'm so sick of dissenting Catholics. o_O

I lurked a bit on their forums and it seems okay, although of course with my paranoia in all things Catholic any little thing can jump out at me... Ah, such great sense of humour have I, no? (Answer: a resounding "no"... why am I talking to myself? Bah, never mind, we all do it. As The Incredibles would say, "Monologuing!" (Or, wait, is that really monologuing or is it something like auto-duologuing? And, did I just make up a new word? Does it make sense morphologically? Does it frustrate English syllable structure? All this and more, tonight on the National with Peter Mansbridge.))

Ah, I just had to do it...

Anyway. Um, what was I saying?

Soooo, private health care in Quebec, eh? (That's my attempt at talkin' politics. Pretty shabby, I'd say.)

And that's KEH-bek, not KOO-bek, people!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

[Insert Question Mark]

I still don't know what I'm gonna do with this blog. I will definitely keep it, it's just that I'm not too much of a writer... I'm missing inspiration. I saw someone with a blog dedicated to the Divine Office, I thought that was interesting. If only I could figure out something to write about...

Well, speaking of the Liturgy of the Hours, I have a favour to ask of you (yes, you!): pray for me. I need to get off my lazy cycle of sleeping in and missing Lauds and of just going to sleep at night right away without finishing off with Compline. I also have trouble with the Office of Readings, but let's just focus on Morning Prayer and Night Prayer for now, eh? So, you pray for me to get off my lazy butt and I will try to have a lil' more discipline, how about it? (Yeah, I know, you're thinking, "But what do I get out of it?" Gotta admit, you got me there.)

And I will, for now, retire to say Vespers. Oh how I wish I could chant well...